Good Blue Wins

Making blue happen

blue elementary emitter for OLED
Currently, the blue emitters used in OLED’s are not good: they are either long lasting or efficient, but not both (as opposed to red and green emitter materials). We seek to solve this problem based on a novel idea with an intrinsic premise to be long-lasting and efficient.


blue light


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OLED displays
Organic Light Emitting diode (OLED) displays are very widely spread: smartphones, TVs, cars, virtual reality. Like in any other displays, OLED displays require three primary colours: red, green and blue. By mixing these three colours you can create any desirable colour variation or shade.
Blue Problem
“O” in OLED stands for organic. In commercial OLEDs organic layers are evaporated in between two electrodes to which the voltage is applied in order to inject current or chargers into those organic layers. Then charges recombine to create light in the light emitting red, green, blue layers. However, in organic materials the very organic carbon bonds break by generating hard – meaning high energy - blue light. The blue has been the critical weak point ever since the commercialization of OLED displays.
beeOLED blue technology concept
We at beeOLED designed the emitter around a single atom. All the light generation happens inside this one atom. No organic bond is involved. So, it is fundamentally impossible to break anything. At the same time, the light generation of our atom is 100% efficient. Therefore, this really is the holy grail of OLED: a highly efficient blue emitter with nearly unlimited stability potential.
beeOLED blue offer
Leveraging the latest advances in Europium chemistry, and by using innovative organic ligands, beeOLED developed a series of highly stabilized blue Eu(II)-complexes that are sufficiently air-stable, have nearly unity photoluminescence quantum yield (PLQY) and are subliming without any decomposition. The fundamental concept revolves around a right combination of specific anions and ligands and allows for tuning the emitter colour and energy levels to fit into relevant OLED hosts.
about the technology
Our claim: 
Provide the best blue emitter to the OLED market
beeOLED’s products are blue emitter materials (fine chemicals) for OLED applications. 
The overall OLED materials market (TAM) is to reach US$2.2bn/y at 2027, with a CAGR of 12%, according to DSCC analysts. 
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OLED veterans with complementary skills and more than 40 years of experience
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Dr. Jan Blochwitz-Nimoth | CEO
Dr. Carsten Rothe | CTO
Dr. Volodymyr Senkovskyy | COO

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